- 《be ~》健全{けんぜん}な債権処理策{さいけん しょり さく}を命じられる
required to draw up a sound credit policy 意味
- "required time" 意味
- "required to" 意味
- "required to accept delivery of" 意味
- "required to cancel" 意味
- "required to deliver one's products only as needed" 意味
- "required to fall down a flight of stairs for a scene" 意味
- "required to get through the course with credit" 意味
- "required to keep rates stable" 意味
- "required to make one's own way to" 意味
- "required to cancel" 意味
- "required to deliver one's products only as needed" 意味
- "required to fall down a flight of stairs for a scene" 意味
- "required to get through the course with credit" 意味